
Elevated beauty-management personalized to your preferences

Elevated beauty-management personalized to your preferences

Elevated beauty-management personalized to your preferences

Elevated beauty-management personalized to your preferences

Product Design

Sustainable Shopping

UX Research


6 Weeks


Product Designer




The mismanagement of beauty products leads to using expired items, overconsumption driven by social media trends, and a lack of ingredient awareness. This necessitates a solution for tracking inventory, providing detailed ingredient information, and offering personalized product recommendations to ensure safe and informed usage.


One app that does it all

💄 Ingredient Preferences: Customize your preferred and disliked ingredients.

💄 Alerts: Get notified when using products with unwanted ingredients.

💄 Inventory Management: Scan and auto-categorize your beauty products for easy tracking.

💄 Personalized Recommendations: Receive tailored suggestions for similar products and tutorials based on your inventory.



I analyzed users' beauty habits, uncovering pain points such as product misplacement and ingredient awareness. Additionally, I investigated social media's impact on consumption trends. This research informed the development of Poppy's features to address these issues effectively. Understanding user preferences guided design decisions to enhance positive engagement in the beauty industry.

Competitive Analysis Insights

Through extensive research, I discovered that many users face similar unresolved issues. This led to the creation of Poppy, designed to address these problems more effectively. My competitive analysis of existing applications revealed gaps such as product misplacement and lack of ingredient awareness. The goal was to identify user pain points and challenges, informing Poppy's features to provide a streamlined and user-friendly solution.

User Interview Insights

User interviews highlighted social media's influence on beauty consumption and purchasing decisions. By understanding these trends, I identified solutions to common challenges, informing the development of Poppy's features. These insights guided design decisions, ensuring the app effectively addresses user needs and promotes positive behavior within the beauty industry.

Information Architecture

Information Architecture

I created an Information Architecture graph to organize and structure the app's content effectively. This visualization clarified how different pieces of information relate to each other, guiding design decisions. It helped establish a blueprint for user navigation, ensuring ease of access and identifying potential gaps or redundancies. This approach optimized the app's performance and prevented information overload.

One of the star features of Poppy, is it's inventory. Users scan any existing products that they may have and it will self sort itself within an appropriate category. Moreover, Poppy will give it's users all the necessary information about that product, such as allergens, toxins, even notify them of the product's expiration!

Users can set up their preferences at any time, enabling Poppy to recommend the best products tailored to their needs. Preferences include likes, dislikes, skin concerns, and preferred makeup looks. This customization ensures personalized guidance and optimal product recommendations.

User Testing

Based on the preliminary user research, I conducted the first round of user testing through low-fidelity wireframes. I approached 4 people and asked them to interact with these wireframes. This helped me eliminate the chances of any major fallbacks that may arise later into the design process. This is what I learned:


  • Ingredient alerts are well received as it would help user make more informed decisions about the products they use, aligning with their concern about the ingredients used in their beauty products.

  • The auto-categorized inventory feature would be particularly useful, given the struggle with keeping track of beauty products and tendency to purchase duplicates.


  • Users appreciate Poppy’s focus on product organization, lack of ingredient awareness and the influence of beauty trends.


  • Users suggest additional features or improvements to enhance the user experience further, such as the ability to manually input product expiration dates and receive notifications and a community section for sharing tips and reviews.

  • Users suggest promoting the app's sustainability aspect, emphasizing its role in promoting more informed and sustainable consumption habits within the cosmetics industry.


In conclusion, this project has been a journey of trials and errors, with valuable feedback from mentors and peers guiding improvements. Poppy was both intense and enjoyable, helping me overcome a creative block. I will continue refining and working on this project to bring it to life, aiming to provide a tangible solution to a real problem.