
Transforming user experience: My summer internship journey at Nasdaq

Transforming user experience: My summer internship journey at Nasdaq

Transforming user experience: My summer internship journey at Nasdaq

Transforming user experience: My summer internship journey at Nasdaq

Product Redesign

End to End

UX Research


10 Weeks


Product Designer




As the sun set on my academic year, little did I know that my summer internship at Nasdaq would provide me with a transformative experience in the realm of UI/UX design. The task at hand: to redesign an internal self-serve tool that configured reports and managed data, with a major bank as our flagship client. As the sole UI/UX analyst intern, my journey was marked by challenges, growth, and the pursuit of excellence in user-centered design.

Understanding the Challenge

The existing tool was a relic of the past, burdened by inaccessibility, errors, and an outdated interface. It was clear that the tool was due for a radical overhaul. Armed with prior documentation, recorded demonstrations, and notes from meetings, I embarked on a mission to delve deep into the tool's intricacies and understand the goals and challenges associated with its usage.

The Foundation: User Research

My first step was to conduct meticulous user research. I reached out to individuals who had interacted with the tool or similar systems, conducting insightful interviews. These interviews were invaluable in deciphering pain points, unmet needs, and aspirations. Recording each interview and transcribing them allowed me to extract meaningful insights, enabling me to craft user personas and user journeys that truly resonated with our users.

Creating a Vision: From Notes to Lean Canvas

With a wealth of information in hand, I meticulously(too many times this word was repeated) translated my findings into a lean canvas. This foundational document outlined our new tool's core features, user benefits, and potential solutions. Additionally, I crafted user interview questions that guided my subsequent design decisions. This pivotal stage laid the groundwork for what was to come.

Visualizing Improvement: Wireframes and Collaboration

Armed with a clear direction, I ventured into the world of design. Preliminary sketches helped me map out the basic structure and layout. Sharing these sketches with our engineering team sparked insightful discussions, enriching my designs with their expertise. Mid-fidelity wireframes followed, providing a more detailed visual representation of the redesign. This was a critical step in conveying my vision to the team and fostering a shared understanding.

Iterating Towards Excellence: High-Fidelity Designs

The transition from mid-fidelity to high-fidelity frames marked a turning point. Collaborating closely with our engineering team, I meticulously explained the rationale behind each design decision. These discussions fostered a deep sense of collaboration, enabling us to refine and enhance the design in line with user needs and company goals. Our agile workflow system facilitated swift iterations, pushing us closer to our goal.

The Moment of Truth: Unveiling the MVP

After weeks of dedication, the moment arrived to unveil the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The department's reaction was overwhelmingly positive. The new tool was a testament to the power of user-centered design. Its revamped user interface and enhanced user experience were lauded, marking a significant step forward.

Documenting Success: From Internship to Legacy

As my internship concluded, my journey was far from over. I meticulously organized the process, insights, and design rationale into a comprehensive documentation package. In addition, I penned a research paper outlining the journey, challenges, and solutions. This paper, a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication, received widespread acclaim within the company.


My summer internship at Nasdaq as a UI/UX analyst intern was a journey of growth, innovation, and collaboration. From diving deep into user research to crafting visionary designs and finally unveiling a transformed tool, the experience was a testament to the power of user-centered design. The journey taught me that impactful design goes beyond aesthetics – it's about understanding, empathy, and constant improvement. As I reflect on those 10 weeks, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be part of a team that believed in the power of design to shape user experiences and drive positive change.

*for more information regarding this project, please reach out to me via email :)